General Info




Social Media Campaigns

Data Analysis

Performance Summary


About The Project

We helped expand the chef service to new cities, providing a unique delivery service that delivers authentic flavors from various cuisines to homes across the US. We lowered the cost per new subscriber by 20% year over year. We utilized vibrant storytelling and offered behind-the-scenes into the chefs' creative processes to build anticipation and emphasize the authenticity of the culinary experience. Our marketing approach combined digital and grassroots strategies, leveraging social media platforms to create visually appealing content such as chef interviews, cooking tutorials, and sneak peeks at menus. The heart of the campaign was the unique and diverse flavors that our local chefs brought to life, with regular menu updates featuring seasonal ingredients and special dishes inspired by local traditions. This dynamic approach not only catered to repeat customers but also attracted a wider audience eager to explore the diverse local cuisine.

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